Need help after the loss of a loved one. Perhaps speaking to others who have experienced your loss as well will help you in your acceptance and recovery. This forum is moderated.

Post a Question or Comment

Please note that this forum is for people who have lost a loved one to communicate with other people in similar circumstances or anyone with a positive comment to make. This forum is moderated which means that your comments will not be shown immediately but will have to wait for a moderator to review and approve your post. This may take up to 24 hours as this organization is run by volunteers. We regret the delay but unfortunately on the internet there are so many spammers that without human intervention the forum would be subject to abuse.

What you want to say ....

Talk to our Members & Viewers

We may be able to help


Wondering if you have ever considered, planting of flowers (tulips) as a memorial?


If you would like information about the International Childrens' Memorial Place
or if you have suffered the loss of a child we invite you to contact us.

[email protected]